Creative Life RP - Official Rules

Note: Even if you aren’t whitelisted, you are to follow the global rules & the global policies + procedures

Click a button below to access a specific section of our rules!

All rules are subject to change with or without notice.

If you committed an act that goes against a rule(s) before the “Last Updated” date, you are exempt only in that one instance.

By being in our community, you agree to adhere to our rules in their entirety. Please make sure you are familiar with everything posted below!

Creative Life RP - General Community Rules & Guidelines

Last Updated: February 29th, 2024 @ 4:30 PM EST
Written By RacermanXtreme (Founder)

All rules are subject to change with or without notice.

If you committed an act that goes against a rule(s) before the “Last Updated” date, you are exempt only in that one instance.

By being in our community, you agree to adhere to our rules in their entirety.

Global Rules

Treat everyone with respect.

Absolutely no harassment, sexism, racism, or hate speech will be tolerated.

This rule applies to ALL MEMBERS- Staff AND Non-Staff.

The staff team is to be respected the same as the community members- as much as humanly possible. We are a community striving to succeed together.

Cheating, backseat staffing, loophole exploiting, etc. is honestly disrespectful not only to the staff team, but also your fellow members for taking advantage of the server, rules, player base, and/or other components that create our wonderful community. For that reason, you’re more than likely violating this rule if you’re caught doing anything listed in the previous sentence.

If a staff member is disrespected for doing their job, staff may use their judgement to decide what your punishment is- expect either a game kick, game ban or even taking away your whitelist privilege, depending on the severity of your wrongful actions. This also applies to being muted on Discord and to disrespecting civilians that reported your negative behavior- please send staff proof if you witness someone breaking this rule.

You must be 18+ to play on our server.

Staff reserves the right to exempt any players of ages 15-17 in good faith that they will contribute to the community and the roleplay our server has in a positive way. Staff also reserves the right to remove any of the players they exempt.

Allowing people of ages 15-17 into CLRP will not be a common practice.
The most notable exemptions staff will make are for those that were in the community at the time of enabling whitelist. However,
we will enforce the “14 And Under Zero Tolerance Policy” on existing members.

You must speak/hear and read/write English fluently!

This is a major prerequisite! While we do respect the fact that people speak other languages, if English is not something you’re able to RP with, please find another RP server that supports the language you wish to use.

Broken/weak English is allowed as long as it’s strong enough to regularly use.

Unless other players ask you to use English, you may use any language while roleplaying.

Attempting to circumvent any of our rules via using another language is prohibited.

You MUST Adhere To The “Availability Policy”.

You can find it under “Global Policies & Procedures”..

You MUST interview within 7 days of joining our Discord.

We kick anyone clearly not interested in taking the next step towards becoming an active member of our FiveM community. Any interviews that were rescheduled outside of this window must conclude within 30 days. Anyone that has to reapply has 14 days from the day of joining our Discord to get accepted. Leaving & rejoining does not change how this works.

No spam or self-promotion without permission from a staff member.

This includes server invites, advertisements, etc. We also do NOT permit carrying out spam/promotion behaviors in private messages with our members unless staff explicitly approves of it. Our community values the safety and security of our members, and for this reason, we will enforce the rule heavily.

Do NOT distribute NSFW or obscene content!

This includes text, images, or links featuring nudity, sex, hard violence, or other graphically disturbing content.

Exploits and Glitches That Are Not Reported Will Lead To A BAN.

We want things to be fair, and we're done with being the last to find out about stuff that puts others at a disadvantage. Please, go find another way to make RP happen than exploiting stuff. We will take away your in-game assets if they were obtained via a glitch or exploit.

In and out of RP, you MUST keep any generally sensitive topics to a MINIMUM.

Prior permission is, however, allowed to be obtained from staff. Please inform them with what you plan to say (or do) on Discord (or in RP). Otherwise, permission will be denied.

If you see something against the rules or something that makes you feel unsafe, let staff know.

We want this server to be a welcoming space!

Global Policies & Procedures



Please don't do or say anything that may lead to consequences- in or out of game. If you are unsure about something, ask a staff member. Everything from following our rules to maintaining respect is "common sense".


We do not tolerate being a “Karen” as they call them… the self-entitled, “I’m always right” kind of person. We’re here to help you learn from your mistakes should be caught breaking a rule. Please own up and don’t be a “Karen”.

Discord Support, Kicks, Bans, And Ban Appeals Policy

If you’ve been banned, kicked, or something along those lines- we get your frustrations are usually high in the intensity department. However, failing to abide by our procedures listed below will result in a FAILURE TO ROLEPLAY punishment:

  • Please keep in-character issues with someone’s character in-character

  • Please report OOC issues with another player to staff. Please start with speaking to a moderator if possible, or open a support ticket. You should also report things “in the moment” using the in-game player list (Z > [Player] > Report User > [Type your report in the box])

  • The reporting of wrongful actions or punishments involving an exclusive job must be kept in-character. Corruption is not allowed unless it was pre-approved by staff, so please notify the corrupt person’s leadership team of corruption using in-character methods.

  • The only wrongful actions or punishments that should be reported to staff are false bans and false kicks as well as staff tool abuse. We have a zero tolerance policy for corruption staff corruption and we will conduct a thorough investigation to see if the claims are valid. False claims are subject to punishment for crying wolf.

  • Kicks are a method of warning the individual not to do something again. Please own up to your mistakes. If you were kicked in error, please reach out to the person that kicked you or file a support ticket for further explanation.

  • If you have been banned by an administrator or higher, appeals can be made on our website. If you were banned in error, please write that in your appeal. We are not accepting ban appeal tickets on Discord unless you fill out a ban appeal on our website. We are only accepting ban appeals if you provide

    • a legitimate reason as to why you messed up

    • factual information without bias, and

    • why we should forgive you.

      Also, we will not accept anything that’s “kiss-ass”, “half-assed” or otherwise incomplete or trying to “get on our good side”.

  • Being a “Karen” or any form of disrespect/failure to own up to validly punished mistakes may adversely affect your punishment. Please be humble.

Please click here to access the ban appeals page

The Availability Policy

We are a whitelisted community, so we have enacted a policy to ensure all members remain active each week of roleplay.

Availability Rules

  • Each community member that becomes whitelisted MUST have reasonable availability each week, otherwise they must inform staff of why they will be inactive for long periods of time. Please target spending 2-3 hours roleplaying here on 3-4 different days each week. Everyone should be able to do a minimum of 1 hour each week unless they have unpredictable responsibilities.

  • ALL players must inform staff of any changes- long-term (indefinite & permanent) and short-term (may last a week, 2 weeks, or even a month)- to their day-by-day availability.

  • Playing other games, including other FiveM servers, is allowed as long as we are part of your weekly gaming schedule!

  • By signing up for exclusive jobs, you may have to allocate more time to Creative Life RP in order to make our server more vibrant and fun.

  • Loopholes are easily identifiable via logs, so don’t “jump on for 10 minutes” and then claim “I’m very active”- no you aren’t.

  • And finally: We will do our best to help you stay active should sudden issues and events arise, so please inform staff if something urgent occurs.

    Failure to follow the availability rules may lead to losing your whitelist status.
    We seriously do not want to remove anyone’s whitelist status, so please make sure you’re doing your part!

    Availability Change Procedure

    Open a support ticket on Discord and let staff know that you need to change your availability. Please see “Further Availability Information” and let us know what availability info about you is changing and when it will.

    That’s it.


Our Policy

Creative Life RP was founded on the basis of quality RP, custom server assets (including our unique economy server that's truly unlike any other out there), and a passion to make fun memories with the community using our creative ideas- yes, even the crazy ones.

Unfortunately, due to our plans for expansion, we will not merge into other servers moving forward. However, we will gladly negotiate a way for you and your members to merge into us. Please follow the Merge Procedure listed below to join our amazing community.

We reserve the right to terminate your merger with us if we find that your community is not interested or is causing problems in our community.

Merge Procedure

Meet with @RacermanXtreme and work it out with him. If you follow the guidelines above and your community doesn’t cause trouble in our server, we will accept the merger.

Partnership Policies & Procedures

If You Run A FiveM Community:

If you would like to partner with us, you must be willing to remain independent and do an "advertisement for advertisement" exchange with us. Please open a support ticket on Discord if you are interested.

We will not migrate/merge our Discord server into any other Discord server for any reason. All partnerships are to be up to the members to join and enjoy (no forcing anyone to join anything, and encouragement must not be done more than "occasionally"), and this applies bidirectionally to ensure and secure maximum fairness during the partnership.

We reserve the right to terminate your partnership with us if we find that your community is not interested or is causing problems in our community.

If You’re An Independent Media Content Creator (YouTube, Twitch, Etc.)

If you would like to officially partner with us, you must be willing to remain independent and do an "advertisement for advertisement" exchange with us. Please open a support ticket on Discord if you are interested. We offer a Discord role that highlights you as a creator, and we will be happy to promote your Discord and media channels as long as you are an active member of our community and remember to promote our community.

We reserve the right to terminate your partnership with us if we find that your content is reasonably not promoting CLRP frequently enough. An example is ‘streaming another FiveM server(s) during our active hours’.

We do, however, understand that it may be hard for you to find time to actively support CLRP while pursuing your content creation passion, which is why we are simply reserving the right to do so at any time.

All Paid Product & Service Solicitations:

This policy applies to ALL paid product & service solicitations, such as FiveM Paid Asset Creators, Advertisement Media Creators, VPS & Server Hosting Sales Representatives, and all other 3rd party solicitations that do not fit the previous 2 partnership policies.

We’ve had many solicitation attempts over the years. Labeling us as a “partner” and still expecting us to buy your stuff, even if it’s discounted, is honestly not very fair considering we never see any of the folks soliciting stuff return the favor of being a real “partner of CLRP” through quality RP. So please, don’t waste your time here trying to sell us stuff if you’re not going to roleplay. We are not in the market for anything, and even if we are, we will find stuff ourselves based on the needs of the community.

Specifically To All Hosting Companies:

After renting an OVH server for over 3 years (Feb 2020-June 2023), we are tired of renting in order to pursue our FiveM RP desires. We own our own server/”box”, we have 2 gigabit Internet, and years of experience with how to host from home. It’s the greatest feeling no longer having a server rental cost and you realize everyone on the server can enjoy a super fast Internet because it can handle several clients on the server at once without lag or performance issues. We’re sorry, but we aren’t going to sign up. But… you can certainly get whitelisted and enjoy our amazing self-hosted server with us!

All 3 partnership policies listed above are permanent. Any alterations to are meant to build on what was previously established. The core message will always remain the same.

Here’s A Helpful Preface For Our Rules

FiveM is a social game, where every interaction you make changes the world as well as the players around you. As an in-depth roleplay community, the requirements of each player to stay as true to their character are increased. As such, you can be ensured true immersion, where your unique and creative story helps develop your character as well as those you interact with.

RP is Essentially Improv: You Don’t Have To Plan Out Anything!

  • You will come across many different characters and scenarios where you will need to think on your feet! 

  • You need to make sure you acknowledge what other people are trying to communicate to you. You may tell them “no”, or “not now”, but your replies need to show off that you understand their sentiment, frustration or specific needs.

  • There are no mistakes! Whatever you do or say should be in character at all times. We’re here to create and move stories forward.

  • Tell a story! Storytelling is probably the easiest rule to remember but the hardest one to do. That’s why you should do your best to improve your skills and learn from every scene you partake in.

  • The real magic of roleplay is when we see the players take totally random scenarios and somehow "make it work". Adding detail to a basic idea is the best way to move your story forward. There’s so much to do if you simply add detail to make things more complex and fun than just sticking with a basic idea without any improvements.

  • There’s more to RP than just being a criminal! Make friends, have parties, go to the beach, enjoy a day skydiving, participate in nearby events- This is only the start of a huge list of endless possibilities of fun, non-criminal RP options!

  • Make sure you are always looking for people from all over the map. Some may choose to RP in a certain town and don’t want to leave, so make sure you take initiative if no one else is, even if you are someone that would stay in one place- at least once in a while, as no one should be restricting themselves to one spot. We have Twitter to help aid with the progress of spreading people out around the state of San Andreas.

  • Roleplay will NEVER be about winning or losing. You may root for your character to win in a situation, but it won’t always turn out that way. Roleplay is about both give and take.

  • You should focus on making sure that not only are you having fun, but that any and all other parties involved are having fun as well. It should be at the back of your head that this is another real person you’re interacting with, so please- don’t be a dick.